Open Source Projects
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Being a fan of open source, I like to contribute to the open source world. Listed below are some of my add-ons for different content management systems. Support is only provided via e-mail (Please don't call).
If you like to donate to me, please send via paypal to
Support, Suggestions, Bugs
For support, suggestions, bug submissions, and comments, please e-mail and I will try my best to address your concerns.
Structify for EE 2.x
When using the publish form, the structure tab displays a drop downbox by default. Structify gives you a couple enhancements which serves as visual aids. This accessory requires you to have the Structure module installed in order to work. This accessory is only ideal for sites that have a very large Structure tree where the page load of Structure becomes a performance problem. This accessory makes it easier to create pages via Content > Publish.
Current version: 1.3 (ChangeLog)
License: Free (MIT License)
Download Structify for EE 2.x (.zip)
1. Download and unzip the latest version
2. Upload structify folder to your third_party folder (usually it's ./system/expressionengine/third_party)
3. Enable the Structify accessory in the Control Panel
Edit This for EE 2.x
This extension adds a little 'one click away' edit link next to your channel entries your website. For EE 1.x, use "Editor" originally created by Brandon Kelly at
Current version: 1.0 (ChangeLog)
License: Free (Creative Commons Attribution)
Download Edit This for EE 2.x (.zip)
1. Download and unzip the latest version
2. Upload edit_this folder to your third_party folder (usually it's ./system/expressionengine/third_party)
3. Enable Edit This in the Control Panel (Settings if you like to customize)
Edit Alarm for EE 2.x
This extension alerts authors when another author is editing a resource they are accessing. For EE 1.x, use "Edit Alert" originally created by ExpressionEngine at
Current version: 1.2 (ChangeLog)
License: Free (Creative Commons Attribution)
Download Edit Alarm for EE 2.x (.zip)
Installation (README)
1. Download and unzip the latest version
2. Upload edit_alarm folder to your third_party folder (usually it's ./system/expressionengine/third_party)
3. Enable Edit Alarm in the Control Panel (Settings if you like to customize)
Coming soon.